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This is a minima blog template. I found the lovely Itkupilli explains how to change from the standard 2 column layout to a 3 column layout in an easy peasy lemon squeezy way that even I can understand. You can find her instructions here
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Monday, 25 May 2009
Spanky does The Mona Lisa
What if the Mona Lisa had woken on the day of her portrait sitting and thought "I need a stylist to make me look beautiful and mysterious." What if she'd made an appointment with Spanky?
I really appreciate any shiny comments, it's great to make friends with like minded crafters. I tend to either visit your blog or E mail you in response to any comments made unless answering a question on the post itself. You're welcome to E Mail me, click on "my complete profile" above and the address is there, however I'm not on my computer every day so it may be a few days before I can reply :-)
Spanky is a time travelling stylist. She is particularly fond of the copyright free era. Spanky says "Glitter glue is the new tattoo."
Foxy Thoughts
I shall watch you out of the corner of my eye and you will say nothing; words are the source of misunderstandings. But each day you may sit a little closer to me.
The Fox
Blog under construction
Hopefully this blog will look better very soon. Once I've worked out how to do things. - However after over 4 years I think this is now doubtful but pigs might fly on shiny wings...
Unless otherwise credited, all content, including text, photographs and designs are copyright Virginia Owen 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013. All rights reserved. Please do not copy anything exactly and call it your own, that's just not nice. Do not submit my designs for contests or publication or copy them for any commercial venture. Any "how to" instructions I may provide are for your personal use only. On the other hand if anything I have made or written inspires you on your own shiny creative path then I'm very happy indeed after all that's what community is all about. Feel the love baby!
Thats great fun Gini - you've made her look more feminine than she normally does!!
WOW! what a fun Mona but I do think she should be smiling more now hehe X
This is too funny! really gave me a chuckle :)
Maybe I'll stay away from hairdressers named "Spanky!"
Love this! great to get a visit to my blog from a Shropshire Lass and to discover your work. Happy childhood memories of Clee Hill and Ludlow.
You are funny and your blog entries make me smile!
p.s. - Mona NEVER looked better!
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